Runner Mitre Ends
Regular price$25000
- Overlock, fringe or mitre your runner ends
- Gives a neat and finished look
- Adds approx 1 week to ETA
Mitred Ends - Returning border
Give your traditional style runner the ultimate finish with mitred ends.
We can make a border design return around the edges at each end.
We cut in and join the border design around each end
- $250 per runner
- Suits traditional runners with borders
- Not required on modern borderless designs
Adds approx 2 weeks to ETA
For a finished end - add overlocking, fringing or Mitres to your runner
Overlocked ends - $30 per runner / $15 per end
Fringed ends - $80 per runner / $40 per end
Mitred Ends (returning border) - $250 per runner
Runner finishing services add approx. 1 week to ETA